Dr. Bill’s recommendations:
Training your puppy can often be a difficult task, especially if they are incessantly barking, begging, jumping on you, chewing on the furniture or your belongings, soiling on the carpet, exhibiting aggressive behavior, or going nuts whenever you leave the house. Canine ProCalm is a calming agent that assists in in relieving the stress and anxiety that cause these unwanted behaviors.
Adult Dogs
Dogs are so enjoyable when they are well behaved, but unfortunately that is not always the case. Just like people, many things can cause a dog to feel stress and anxiety, and this can lead to undesirable behaviors: Excessive barking or begging at dinnertime. Aggressively confronting other dogs when you are out walking. Problems when you leave them alone or take them in the car. Chewing on furniture. Soiling the carpet. Lack of attention when you are trying to train them. Canine ProCalm is a natural calming formula with 11 natural ingredients that can help relieve the stress and anxiety that cause these unwanted behaviors. Best of all, Canine ProCalm calms your dog without making them dopey or sleepy.
Senior Dogs
Dogs are so enjoyable when they are well behaved, but unfortunately that is not always the case. Just like people, many things can cause a dog to feel stress and anxiety, and this can lead to undesirable behaviors: Excessive barking or begging at dinnertime. Aggressively confronting other dogs when you are out walking. Problems when you leave them alone or take them in the car. Chewing on furniture. Soiling the carpet. Lack of attention when you are trying to train them. Canine ProCalm is a natural calming formula with 11 natural ingredients that can help relieve the stress and anxiety that cause these unwanted behaviors. Best of all, Canine ProCalm calms your senior dog without making them dopey or sleepy.